October Newsletter

Receive the Blessing of the Medicine Buddha Empowerment and Practice.....

The Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light King Buddha Extinguish Disaster and Prolong Life Dharma, is for Spiritual Healing, Protection and Prevention of Illness and Disease, as well as Bringing Forth Good Luck.

Medicine Buddha Empowerment
Healer of Outer and Inner Illness
October 26th & 27th 1-4pm each day
Sebastopol, CA $360
taught by Sifu Jane Ward, Head Teacher of the Brentwood Buddhist Community Essex, England

Many centuries ago, an enlightened master named Medicine Buddha made a sacred vow to heal all sentient beings so they may live a life free from illness, pain and suffering. Though historically, this healing practice has been taught only to select initiates who had practiced meditation for many years, under the guidance of MahaVairocana Dharma King, DeChan Jueren, HanMi Esoteric Buddhism is offering this Dharma to the public because of the great need in the world at this time.

In this workshop you will:

  • Receive an Abhiseka empowerment to connect you to the enlightened Masters of this lineage

  • Learn a complete healing meditation containing the 3 mysteries of mantra, mudra, and visualization.

  • Learn the Healing Pagoda technique in order to help heal others

  • Learn techniques to purify food, air and water and much more

"Just like the Guru Medicine Buddha, who guides all sentient beings with compassion as infinite as space, may I also become a compassionate guide of sentient beings who exist in all directions of the universe."

$360 for the week-end

For more info or to register click here

Open your Heart and Change your Mind

October 2019 promises to be fast paced and dynamic and chock full of opportunities for taking charge of your life. But you must be patient, diplomatic and compassionate in order to resonate at the frequency necessary to experience the unexpected blessings and encounters awaiting you now.

This month is also all about taking responsibility and recognizing exactly how you have created your life today - the good and the bad - and not projecting any of your difficulties on to others. It is then that you can best make any needed changes to improve your life and help those around you.

It’s a wonderful opportunity for change -in fact a 3 month long opportunity to most effectively recreate your life. But first you must accept and embrace the necessity of change, let go of needless controls and take the initiative to create the environment you need to achieve your life goals.

Be bold, take some calculated risks and let go of the training wheels of life you have been clinging to.....and do it all with clarity, sensitivity, diplomacy and compassion.

Sounds easy right? Ok ok, maybe not easy but definitely possible and rather exciting...

In order to make the best use of the transformative energies that this month sets in motion, we need to have time for introspection and review. If we need to be able and willing to let go of anything that no longer serves us, we must ground and center ourselves and make the time to meditate.

The full moon on Sunday October 13th activates the energy of exciting unexpected encounters - it could be friendships or romance - or even enlightening education - something that opens your heart and changes your mind.

This is a good time to use your discernment and then to trust your intuition as Jupiter (the planet of luck, benevolence and abundance) trines the full moon (emotions, intuition and feelings) creating an opportunity for an intense emotional experience or blessing of some kind. Make sure your mood is not one of agitation and/or grouchiness now as this aspect could, instead of bringing a great blessing, end up bringing an abundance of conflict.

This month, the work is to be able to look at the truth of our lives with discernment and equanimity and become a Spiritual Warrior for beneficial change for ourselves and for others.
Now is the time to embrace the changes that need to happen in order for a new, better and more compassionate world to emerge......we must begin the change within ourselves, within our hearts.

October holds a special opportunity to be and begin, the change you want to see in the world.

Contact me for readings, class info and more

Next Consciously Creating Workshop
Saturday, December 7th 10am-5pm, $60

Make the best use of the powerful, transformative energies of this time

In this class you will:

  • Learn techniques to unify your heart and mind to Manifest Your Heart’s desire

  • Create more clarity and balance in your life

  • Understand and release your limitations to success

  • Create a template for a better life and much more


    Are you tired, stressed, mentally frazzled, have low immunity or chronic illness?

An ONGOING weekly meditation program
Thursday 7 - 8:30pm on Zoom
$10 per class / $40 for the month

Learn a series of simple energy exercises designed to help the individual facilitate and restore inner harmony and health on all levels.

This is the class for you if:

  • You have been/are ill and wish to recover your health and vitality You have a demanding life

  • You feel tired stressed and anxious

  • You have difficulty sleeping and/or feeling rested when you awaken

  • You are in peri-menopause or menopause

  • You wish to support your health and well-being